Municipal Authority (DTMA)
The DTMA owns and operates the three systems which supply Doylestown Township water, per an agreement between DTMA and Doylestown Township Board of Supervisors, for forty (40) years starting February 16, 1993 and running through February 16, 2033. DTMA is an operating Authority and will follow guidelines per Township approved water utility master plan as prepared by Huth Engineers. DTMA agrees the Board of Supervisors must approve:
- Acquisition or sale of property
- Construction of utility infrastructure
- Creation of capital improvement fund in excess of $500,000.00
- Usage rate structures, districts and means of financing
DTMA agrees to establish an annual budget, pay all obligations, reimburse Township for expenses related to use of Township facilities and staff, and to promote expansion into other Central Bucks areas. Members are appointed to a five year term.
Meetings are held at 3:30 pm on the 3rd Thursday, monthly in the Doylestown Township Caucus Meeting Room.
Next Scheduled Meeting
Meeting | Date | Agenda |
Municipal Authority (DTMA) | April 17, 20253:30 PM |
N/A |
Recent Meetings
Name | Title |
Joseph C. Van Houten | Chairperson |
Kevin Green | Vice Chairperson |
Daniel J. Stairiker | Secretary |
Matt Oakes | Member |
Robert Shaffer | Assistant Secretary/Treasurer |
Brent Eaton | Interim Executive Director |
Barbara N. Lyons | Board of Supervisors Liaison |
Richard Magee | Solicitor |
Alfred S. Ciottoni | P.E. |
Donna Jacobini | Recording Secretary |
Doylestown Township
425 Wells Road
PA 18901
Phone: 215-348-9915 Fax: 215-348-8729
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm