Septic Management Program
Doylestown Township passed Ordinance No. 299 in 2001
This ordinance requires all residents who currently have on-lot disposal systems (septic systems) to have them inspected by a Doylestown Township approved pumper/hauler/installer every three years. And, if you also have a private well for water to have it tested for coliform (E-Coli) every three years.
Why You Need Your Septic System Inspected
Protect your property value.
An unkept septic system can lower your property’s value and could potentially cost you in legal liabilities.
Protect our eco-system
Contaminated wastewater poses a threat to our local environment. Malfunctioning septic systems can disperse bacteria and toxins to our natural waterways, which in turn can spread into our towns wildlife, endangering native plants and species.
Protect you and your neighbors health.
Wastewater can contain disease causing bacteria and toxic chemicals. If maintained properly, a septic system will filter and remove most of these dangerous substances. Otherwise, it can leak causing groundwater contamination, spreading disease to yourself and your neighbors in various ways.
What You Need To Know
When your current On-Lot-Disposal Inspection Permit expires, a reminder will notify you that your septic system is due for inspection or your well water needs to be tested by the end of the year.
If you do not comply within a reasonable time, another reminder will be sent to you. Failure to comply multiple times may result in legal action and you could be fined.
Pumper Hauler
The pumper/hauler is required to submit a pumper’s report (the report looks like the image to the right) to the township and should give the homeowner a copy of that report. The information is kept on file at the Township. Pumping must occur from the manhole. Pumping cannot occur from the inspection port. In some instances, the Township may not receive the pumper’s report from your pumper. Please do not be alarmed if you receive a letter from the Township stating that you didn’t comply with the ordinance. Should you receive one of these letters, please contact your service provider to resend the pumper’s report to the Township.
Water Tests
Residents also must have their water tested for Coliform Bacteria every three years. Please be advised that the Bucks County Health Department performs these well water tests for a nominal fee or you may use a private water testing company. The homeowner shall provide a copy of the water test results to the Township in accordance with the ordinance. IT IS THE HOMEOWNER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO FORWARD THIS TEST TO THE TOWNSHIP REGARDLESS OF THE RESULTS OF THE TEST. Water testing facilities including the county Bucks County Health Department will not send us a copy. If your water tests positive for coliform bacteria you may have to take some additional steps to correct the issue (we will send you an informative letter once we receive your polluted test results), but you will have complied with our ordinance so forward the result to us as soon as you receive it.
Please note if you have public sewer but still have well water, you are not required to test your water, only if you have a septic system.
Important information
- If you are connected to public sewer but not public water, you will no longer need to have your water tested. If you receive any reminders about pumping your septic system or testing your water, please contact the Township so your record can be updated to reflect that you have public sewer.
If you are connected to public water but not public sewer, water testing is no longer required. However, your septic system will need to be pumped every three years. If you receive any reminders about water testing, please contact the Township so your record can be updated to reflect that you have public water.
How to submit water test results and Pumper Report:
All reports can be submitted by one of the following ways:
- E-mail:
- Mail: Doylestown Township 425 Wells Road Doylestown, PA 18901
- Fax: 215-348-8729
List of Approved Pumper/ Haulers
Certified Drinking Water Laboratories
Frequently Asked Questions
I thought I sent my water test to the Township; I dropped it off on Almshouse Road?
You take your water test and receive your water testing results from the Bucks County Health Department located on Almshouse Road. They do not forward the Township a copy of those results. You have to send us, via fax, mail, email or in person a copy of your testing results.
What happens if I forgot to comply with this ordinance in the correct year?
Please just have your water tested and septic system inspected as soon as possible. Forward the information to the Township to prevent enforcement actions.
How is the Septic Management Ordinance 299 Enforced?
If you fail to get your septic system inspected and your well water tested, you begin the process of non compliance. We send you a notice of non compliance. If you ignore your notices of non compliance your property will be forwarded to Bucks County Health Department for an onsite inspection of your septic system. If you do not get your water tested you will be cited through District Court and if we do not receive a copy of your water test, you could be fined $1000 plus all court costs.
What should I do if I receive a citation of non compliance and summons to Court?
You should contact the township. We will withdraw your citation once we receive a copy of your water test. You will be responsible for covering the postage costs.
Check back often for further updates or contact the Administration Office at 215-348-9915.