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Finance Committee


The Finance Committee develops well researched information and analysis and makes recommendations to help the Township’s leadership make objective and transparent decisions that directly impact the financial condition of the Township. The Core Financial Objectives are:

  • Provide a long-term perspective (multi-year outlook) for planning
  • Provide short-term operating results reports
  • Maintain stability of the operating base
  • Effectively allocate tax millage
  • Set rationalized capital spending levels
  • Utilize a consistent, cost-effective financing strategy
  • Identify measures to mitigate shortfalls

The committee meets the 4th Wednesday quarterly @ 7:00 pm in the Township building.  Additionally there are 4-5 budget work sessions during the months of September and November. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!


Meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 4th Wednesday quarterly.

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Finance Committee
March 26, 20257:00 PM


Name Title
Eric Cornwell Chairperson
Vacancy Vice Chair
Jason Showmaker Member
Michael Ivici Member
Christina Maida Member
Jennifer Herring Board of Supervisors Liaison