Doylestown Township Parks Improvement Project!
Join us on an exciting journey as we embark on a transformative mission to enhance our beloved Central Park! This video provides an look at the Doylestown Township Capital…
Easton Road Roundabouts Update
Work on the Easton Road Roundabouts project is now in the final stage and is anticipated to be completed by the middle of August. After this time, all legs of…
Ride the DART free of charge on Saturday!
Starting this Saturday, July 6th, and continuing through the end of 2024, all passengers are invited to ride the Saturday DART free of charge! We encourage passengers to hop on…
Central Park Streambank Stabilization Project Kicks Off
Work has begun near the bridge at Kids Castle. We kindly ask everyone to exercise caution and avoid the construction zones. Your safety and cooperation are appreciated as we begin…
Native Plant Garden Guidance
Doylestown Township residents looking to improve their landscapes can benefit from the free on-site advice offered by the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC). This service promotes the use of native plants,…
Lights Out Program Resolution - Adopted
The Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution #2599 supporting the Lights Out Program in the hopes of encourage residents of Doylestown Township and commercial properties to take a small part in…
Doylestown Community Bike & Hike Teams Up with MBIT
Doylestown Community Bike and Hike Teams Up with Welding & Collision Repair Technology Classes from Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) to Expand Iconic Bridge Silhouettes Building upon the town's…
Awarded Outstanding Citizen Communication Award
Doylestown Township was the recipient of the PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) Outstanding Citizen Communication Award! Jennifer V. Herring, Chairman, Judy Dixon, Board member, Stephanie Mason, Township Manager,…
Now Accepting Volunteer Applications
Interested in volunteering to serve on a board or commission? Submit a letter of interest and your resume to View the list of current vacancies. Agricultural Security Area Advisory…
Please be advised that the installation of 4-way stop signs has been completed in the area of Sandy Ridge Road and Broad Street for the necessary intersection improvements at…