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As development occurs the increase in paved surfaces results in greater stormwater runoff and pollution, which can harm local streams.

To minimize the impact of stormwater from new development, it’s important to use practices that manage, treat, and absorb runoff on-site before it reaches downstream water bodies. Using innovative site designs that reduce impervious surfaces and incorporating green infrastructure are effective ways to control runoff and improve water quality.

In partnership with the Bucks County Conservation District and as part of our MS4 permit requirements, Doylestown Township has implemented a program to address post-construction stormwater runoff for developments disturbing one acre or more of land.

This program includes:

  • Utilizing a combination of structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs),
  • Enforcing ordinances to regulate post-construction runoff, and
  • Maintaining a program to ensure the long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs.