Bird Town PA - Bird Walks

Bird Town Pennsylvania works in partnership with local municipalities and like-minded organizations to promote community-based conservation actions to create a healthier, more sustainable environment for birds, wildlife, and people.
Since 2011, the program provides tools for municipalities to engage, educate and empower their residents, schools and businesses to make more ecologically friendly decisions and promotes a culture of conservation where everyone is a potential steward of nature in their own backyard and beyond.
Restoration of natural systems and native plant communities for birds, butterflies and other wildlife, on both private and public lands, has positive impacts on our communities including creating a healthier environment, reducing Stormwater runoff, greenhouse gases and maintenance time, increasing property values and building community pride.
Please visit the Bird Town PA website to learn more.
Heritage Tree Program
Do you have a beautiful, old tree on your property? The Doylestown Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) would love to know about it! EAC has a Heritage Tree Program. We wish to document all the significant trees within our Township and we need your help. If you think one of your trees might “fit the bill”, please contact the Township by email at or by phone at 215-348-9915. We will send a team to measure your tree, confirm the species, and photograph the tree. If you have the largest specimen of that species, we will award you a certificate. The certificate can be received in person at one of our EAC meetings or we can arrange to have it delivered to your address.
Let’s make Doylestown Township TREEMENDOUS!
List of Doylestown Township’s Heritage Trees (2018 to present)
- Clement D’Angelo & Maryann Ceglio | Sugar Maple| Height 100’, Spread 80’, Circumference 11’3”
- Carolyn Shaddinger | White Ash| Height 90’, Spread 75’, Circumference 17’
- Barbara Schempp | 2 Sassafras Trees| Height 75’, Spread 30’, Circumference 20’4"
- Normal Schorr | White Ash| Height 100’, Spread 60’, Circumference 13’
- Therese & Jeff Schumacher | White Oak| Height 125’, Spread 45’, Circumference 11’4”
- Angela Parisi | 2 Silver Maples| Height 100’, Spread 60’, Circumference 24’9”; Height 80-90’, Spread 50’, Circumference 22’9”
- Fran Miller | White Ash| Height 125’, Spread 75’, Circumference 14’
- Helen Eves | Flowering Cherry| Height 40’, Spread 15’, Circumference 17’
- Ty Comptor| Kentucky Coffee| Height 95’, Spread 95’, Circumference 12’6”
- Sherry Skelding| Red Maple| Height 125’, Spread 68’, Circumference 20’6”
- Andon J. George| Black Walnut| Height 87’3”, Spread 84’9”, Circumference 7’9”
- D Strawn, H Symons| Kentucky Coffee| Height 130’9”, Spread 76’, Circumference 11’6”
- Don Schuenemann| Silver Maple| Height 108’2”, Spread 108’, Circumference 28’9”
- Don Schuenemann| White Ash| Height 110’6”, Spread 71’5”, Circumference 16’
- Linda & Brian Tilton| Saucer Magnolia| Height 36’4”, Spread 47’5”, Circumference 14’7”
- Marcello Mangano| White Ash| Height 80’1”, Spread 65’, Circumference 12’
Ready for 100
Ready for 100 is a grass-roots initiative that works with individuals and community and political leaders to have municipalities and citizens commit to 100% renewable energy by 2050. The initiative is supported nation-wide by the Sierra Club and is particularly active in Southeast Pennsylvania. You can find more information here: and here:
Ready for 100 has 2 specific goals: for municipalities to commit to achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2035, and 100% renewable energy for all uses (including heating and transportation) by 2050.
We can do this. On March 17, 2020, Doylestown Township passed a resolution to become the first municipality in Bucks County to make this commitment. Since then, Buckingham, Solebury, Warrington and Bucks County have all passed resolutions committing to clean, renewable and cost-saving solar energy. Numerous other communities in Bucks are considering their own resolutions.
Since then, our Township has been exploring ways to become more energy efficient and exploring options to move towards renewable energy. However, the municipal facilities use only a tiny fraction of all the energy used in the Township. The next step is to work with large institutions, businesses and residents to move toward clean energy. A formal ‘Energy Transition Plan’ is needed to guide these activities, and community participation is crucial for successful implementation. We want you to be part of the clean energy transition, and your input is important.
Please contact the Doylestown Township EAC if you want to be part of our clean energy future.
Native Plant Guidance
Doylestown Township residents looking to improve their landscapes can benefit from the free on-site advice offered by the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC). This service promotes the use of native plants, which are well-suited to the local environment and offer numerous advantages such as water conservation, reduced maintenance, fewer chemicals, and increased wildlife presence.
The EAC will evaluate your property, considering factors like soil, sunlight, and moisture levels, and provide tailored recommendations for plant selection and garden design. They also offer guidance on sustainable practices like water conservation and natural pest control. By choosing native plants, you can create a beautiful, eco-friendly garden that supports local biodiversity and saves on maintenance costs. To take advantage of this opportunity, contact the Doylestown Township EAC to schedule a consultation. Email if you are interested!