Performing Arts
C&N Amphitheater Featuring the Thompson Performing Arts Series
2025 Performing Arts Information and Schedule (coming soon)
Thank you to all our supporters who help make the series possible.
See the business and individuals who support the Park and Recreation Department and community programs annually. Please support theses businesses as you can.
2024 Schedule (printable)
All concerts begin at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted.
Date Performer Type
Also featured onsite throughout the summer:
Beer Garden featuring Warwick Farm Brewing and food truck(s). *subject to change.
Parking at Central Park has been significantly reduced due to due the park improvement construction project including the Community Recreation Center, Court complex and parking expansion/realignment. Construction is anticipated to be near completion by the start of the concert series - Please check back for updates.
Summer Concerts: Parking fills quickly. We suggest arriving early and carpooling when possible. Township staff will be on hand to assist as best as possible until full. Please click the link below for a map of authorized concert parking areas in and around the park - Please note that parking at Kutz Elementary School is NOT AVAILABLE until the June 19th concert.
We ask and appreciate for your patience and cooperation through these growing pains!
NEED A RIDE? Catch the DART! (updated schedule coming soon)
BUS #1
- Starts at ACME market ( Doylestown Shopping Center) at approximately 6PM,
- Center Square Towers (555 N Broad St) at approx. 6:05pm
- Broad and Union (County Parking Garage DART stop) at approx. 6:10pm
- State and Main St. approximately 6:15pm
- The Metropolitan at approximately at approximately 6:20pm
- Child Lane and Old Butler Pike (Colonial Heritage) approx. 6:25pm
- Central Park (destination 6:30-6:45)
* At the conclusion of the concert The bus will return riders to their pick up locations
BUS #2
- Pick up at Grundy Hall (Almshouse Rd and 611) at approx. 6PM
- Central Park (destination)* At the conclusion of the concert The bus will return riders to their pick up locations